NOW OPEN! the call for n. 2 scholarships for the AA 2023/2024 Edition of the Master!

NOW OPEN! the call for n. 2 scholarships for the AA 2023/2024 Edition of the Master!

The call for n.2 merit-based scholarships for enrollment in the 2nd-level Master's in Data Science and Statistical Learning (MD2SL) has been released. 

The application deadline is November 23, 2023, at 1:00 PM

Call for application D.D. n. 11478/2023 prot. n. 251078 del 20/10/2023
pubblicato sull'Albo Ufficiale repertorio n. 12384 dal 20/10/2023 al 23/11/2023
Fillable application (Allegato A)
Curriculum Vitae (Allegato B)

26 October 2023



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